Rabbit pooping in a litter box.

How To Litter Train a Rabbit

Many people don’t know how to litter train rabbits, but it’s actually quite simple; you just need a little patience for that. Rabbits can be trained to use a litter box just like cats. They need at least 2 weeks to litter train. Follow my given steps, and I expect your rabbit will be litter trained easily.

Before that, ensure your rabbit is spayed or neutered. If your rabbit is fixed, you can easily litter train them with much less effort, as unfixed rabbits exhibit territorial behavior. Spaying or neutering also reduces the risk of reproductive cancers in your rabbit.

Choose a spot

Choose the right spot for the litter. Sometimes, your bunny will choose their own spot, right where they pee or poop. Simply place the box on that spot. Make sure the litter box is big enough for them to do a 360-degree turn.

Set up the litter box

Setting up the litter box with recycled paper and hay.

Set up your litter box with a liner and enough litter to absorb wetness. You can use recycled paper or aspen shavings for litter. Put some hay on one side of the litter box. The rabbit will start to go to the litter box by itself for hay.

Enclose the area

Now close the area with either a playpen or a baby gate; this will force your rabbit to use the litter box and they’ll have no choice but to use it. Once they’ve learned where to go, you can remove the pen or gate.

Observe the tail

Observing Rabbit's Tail for Bathroom Time

You really want to look out for your bunny’s tail. When you notice it beginning to lift, you can pretty much guess they’re about to go. Scoop them up as quickly as possible and place them in the litter box. Repeat this often until your rabbit finally gets it and they will.

Clean up the odor

Clean the area where they pee outside the litter box with tissue and then put it inside the litter box. This helps the rabbit understand that this is where they should pee. Also, clean the area with equal amounts of vinegar and water mixed in a spray bottle and spray it there.

This will eliminate any bad odor from that area. Since rabbits can smell their own scent when they pee, cleaning it with this spray will remind them that’s where they need to go. Do the same thing with their droppings.

Final Thoughts

The training process can take just a few days to about two weeks to fully train your rabbit to use the litter box. Believe me, this is the fastest way to litter train your rabbit. I also followed those steps when I trained my rabbit to use the litter box.

Read more about rabbit care and their diet.

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